Blogger Hell

A few years ago I had a Blogger page that also went by the name MarcieZone, but Marcy was spelled with a Y instead of an IE. I don't think the page ever got any views, and I don't think I ever advertised it. The writing isn't anything I'm particularly embarassed of, but it isn't particularly good. I include it here as demonstration of the prototype phase of MarcieZone..

The First Post 9/15/2021 2:56PM Hello, and welcome to MarcyZone. My name is Marceline, and I'm going to be your web captain on this journey through cyberspace. This blog will be a place for me to post all of my thoughts, as an alternative to the social medias and constant posting of the modern era. I believe in the power of old websites, of a place to view the thoughts and works of a person in one website, and of the idea of word-of-mouth being the main form of advertising, as opposed to large social media campaigns and algorithms. However you want to see the philosophy behind this vlog, I hope you enjoy its contents. :o)

What will I do Today? 9/17/2021, 6:59AM Yes, I understand I have responsibilities. I have a lecture, a test, things to get ready for before tomorrow, but what about the rest of the day? The lazy early morning, the easy afternoon? I'm not quite sure, but I'll figure something out.

Football Games 9/18/2021, 6:55AM Today is gonna be long. I have a football game today. I don't play ball, I'm in the marching band, but its still an all day endeavor. Luckily, it should be done by around 8, so I won't be up until midnight like last time. I need to eat a big breakfast, but I really don't feel like going to get it or make it. So what do I do? I'll go out and eat soon, probably after posting this. I am feeling McDonalds, something good and unhealthy... maybe Waffle House

Dorothy and the Witch 9/20/2021, 8:58AM Yesterday I was eating breakfast at a diner, and saw something interesting. What I presume to be a mom and daughter dressed up as Dorothy from the wizard of oz, and the grandmother wearing the same striped leggings as the wicked witch of the west. I find it funny that I saw this at such an early hour, in an old-time shiny diner. Were they dressed for a church event? maybe a day planned at a theme park, I know we're not the farthest from Dollywood or Carowinds. Maybe they were just dressed for fun, a nice family day out. I wonder if Dorothy and the witch would get along in real life, after the slipper affair got sorted. Would Dorothy have gone back to Oz to see her enemy made friend, or would they remain bitter, too opposite to get along. Maybe this is symbolic of the relation of the mother and the grandmother, enemies to friends as they both aged, with the daughter caught at the perfect time of alliance. What an interesting thing to think about while waiting for scrambled eggs and bacon

Chair in the Elevator 9/26/2021, 9:49AM This morning there was a chair in one of the elevators. It got me thinking, why aren't there more chairs in elevators? It seems simple enough, put a bench or something at the back of the car so that people can sit down for a second. I guess the idea is that people would ride the elevator up and down all day, but it still seems like a good idea to be. I mean, it's a bench in an elevator, who would want to sit there all day?

Down with a Sickness 10/6/2021, 9:01AM I see it as three outcomes: one, I don't have covid and I feel fine in the morning. Very good, I just go to class. two, I don't have it and I feel like crap in the morning. Weird as it sounds, I see that as the best option, since then I get to sit out of a ton of long boring classes. Third option, I have covid. I don't think a lump in my throat is the virus, but I suppose it's possible, I did get tested today. That is by far the worst option, since then I wouldn't be able to go home for fall break. Goodness, I hope it's not that.

A Time of Cold 10/18/2021, 2:17PM Today, it was cold. It only got up to about 50 today, which is nothing new in the grand scheme of things but that was the first time it's gotten that cold this semester. It was interesting seeing everyone in new winter jackets, bought solely for the strange mountain weather. Im thinking of joining the conservation corps over the summer, I have to do some volunteering thing for my career and resume and stuff

Out, but not Thriving (or, Local Trans Girl Wants Attention) 10/18/2021, 4:11PM I'm not sure if I've mentioned here, but I am transgender. I'm out, I present (relatively) feminine all the time, people use the right name and pronouns, its great. But I still want more. I don't have really anyone I can go to and just talk about being queer, to discuss how good and bad things are in that way. I wish I did, to me being passively queer is kinda boring. I am very much that person who makes being queer their whole personality, because I love thats who I am.

Though, I suppose thats kinda the point, that I'm not 100% pride all the time. I'm proud, but I am more than my labels, right? My life plans don't end at 'be a cute girl', I still have to get a job and pay taxes and eat regularly. I don't live solely to be queer. Is this desire to be constantly validated linked to a romantic desire in any way? I suppose its possible, I've never really considered that until I wrote that line. It could be that, it could just be a desire to see people like me in media. Theres still a certain 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling when seeing queer representation in books, tv, movies, anything (as an aside, TJ Klune's The House On The Cerulean Sea was the best book I've ever read, please go read it).

Oh shoot, maybe I should do book reviews on this blog, I don't read much but I read enough to make it a recurring segment. Im gonna consider this.

Dune: the Book, the Movie, and the Connection Between 10/23/2021, 7:23AM Over the last half a year I've been reading through Dune, and last night I went and saw the movie. My stance on the book is that it's very good, but very incredibly long. If you're going to read it, I'd advise an audiobook, or give yourself a lot of time. I wouldn't, however, recommend watching the movie as a total substitute for the book, but rather as an accompaniment or a precursor to reading the book. (slight spoilers for the workings of Dune, no specific plot points)

The movie is a near perfect recreation of the book, with a few scenes moved around for better cohesion. The movie lacks the internal dialogue of the book, which explains some of the more convoluted scenes in the book, and their importance for later on. The movie portrays Pauls flashes of vision into the future, but doesn't explain what they mean, assuming the audience is clever enough to figure it out based on the visual subtext.

I went to see the movie with friends, some who had read the book and some who hadn't. There were 3 categories, those who read the book and really loved how the movie adapted it (including myself), those who didn't read the book and still enjoyed it, and those who didn't read the book and didn't understand a thing that was going on.

As a movie, Dune part 1 is far superior, though David Lynch's Dune is better in parts of explaining itself. Either way, I still say see Dune, it was a good time regardless. I give the book 6 points out of 7, and the movie an 8/10

What am I Supposed to do on the Internet, Anyway? 10/26/2021, 2:17PM Im in between classes right now, faced with a certain paradoxical boredom. I have a capable laptop with the internet, the gateway to all information and all entertainment, but I'm bored. What am I supposed to do on the internet, anyway?

As more and more of the internet becomes centralized around large websites and phone apps, the rest of the place feels a bit empty. I don't wanna go on social media, or watch YouTube, I want to sit here and browse the internet. How? What do I browse? Where do I look for new content? I can't just read news websites all day (though that does make me feel rather grown up). The whole purpose of this blog is to be a departure from social media websites and a return to olden times blogs, for Petes sake!

Blog Posts Done Slowly 3/13/2022, 10:21AM upon review, I have realized that this blog is bad and stupid. The writing is amateurish and could really use some more thought and drafting. The topics are foolish. Everything is pointless. I will, however, press on. This blog is for my own enjoyment, and thats all I need.

Ditching my Smartphone for the Betterment of the Self 10/23/2023, 8:34PM I got rid of my iPhone! I got a flip phone that can barely go online, no social media or video to distract me from work. In theory this sounds pretty peachy, right? Well in reality that just means that yes, it will be harder to get sucked into the internet but I still have my laptop to do that.

So, less Tiktok but more traditional internet, websites and forums and crap. So that means there will be more posts here to nobody, and maybe some more presence somewhere else on the internet. It feels almost like hermitage, getting rid of the places where people reach out to me, hiding myself away in the name of my own mental health. It'll be good, but for now it's a bit awkward. gotta rewire my brain for internet use

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