When she turns on her phone again for the first time in a week the amount of missed calls are staggering. She didn't tell anyone where she was going, not even her mother. Explanations were in order. Amora had left her the most voicemails, instead of listening to them all she decided to just call. The sheep picked up almost immediately.

"Poppy!! Oh my god, I thought you had died! Where the hell are you?!?!"

"In Maine, I couldn't stand being famous so I ran away. But I just cracked the code over breakfast-"

"The fan club is in tatters, people are losing their minds without you. Do you know how many people were relying on you to be consistent? I've heard a dozen calls saying you were the only things bringing people comfort in their lives and you just screwed off because you, what, felt bad?"

This wasn't going anything like she wanted to, it had been 10 minutes and already she was facing consequences for her actions. She tries to reel it back in. "Yes, exactly! I don't like being in a position where people rely on me, it sucks for me and them. I'm gonna seriously downscale the show, go back to a crappy station, fall into obscurity and live a more normal life without all of these parasocial relationships."

"But, what does that mean for... us?"

"Hey, we can still be friends! You're cool, I like hanging out with you." She looks back at her jacket, spinning in the washer. Looks like fun, actually. "I just don't like you hanging out with Poppy the radio personality and influencer. I want you to hang out with Poppy, the jackalope. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I guess it does. What should I tell people, about all this?"

"Tell them I'm alive, and I'll be back to make an announcement in the next few days. Thank you, Amora."

"No problem, Poppy. I, um, love you."

"...I love you too." She hangs up, blushing. She really does love Amora, but the relationship dynamic between them needs to change a lot for it to be healthy. It may be doable, who knows. Next she calls Fig, who should just be opening the shop. She picks up after 5 or 6 rings, probably doesn't have her phone with her.

"Figs peanut farm, head nut speaking."

"I thought you'd be in the fruit growing business. How are you?"

"Worse after that joke. You left your bike here, by the way. I fixed up as much as I could."

"Thanks for that, I'll throw in something extra for holding it for so long."

"No need for that. Are you in a laundromat?"

"No, I'm just using the noises of a washing machine as white noise. I'm in Maine, with a friend."

"Any Kaye's near you? The convenience store? Bring home some canned tea if you think of it, jasmine."

"Will do. Is Newton around?"

"Yea, I'll hand him the phone. Hey, Poppy?"

She sounds more serious now, less aloof. "Yes?"

"I worried about you, a lot. You mean more to us than you think, I was worried you had bought the farm."

Theres some fog coming down in the valley around them, because of course there is. It was always foggy here, foggy and grey and sad. She loved it. "They can't kill me. They might could mess me up but they can't kill me. I won't be going anywhere any time soon."

"Good, here's Newton." "Heyyyyy, Poppy!!! How the hell are ya?"

The energy is contagious, even over the phone. "Much better now, how about you?"

"Ditto. You're near a Kaye's right? I'll pay you back if you get me some of those squid chips they have. I can't find those anywhere up here."

"I'll take care of that for you. I'll be back down for the bike soon, y'all take care!"

"You too!" They both say in unison. Poppy couldn't ask for better friends slash parental figures slash housemates slash accomplices. She calls her father next, she's already in for it so why not. It goes to voicemail, he must be sleeping for a night shift. She leaves a message.

"Hey dad, It's Paula. I'm sorry I left home, then town without really saying anything. Um,, if it's any consolation I'm doing really well up here! Maybe we could.." She thinks. She doesn't want to get coffee, she knows that they'll never get along. Why try with him, theres other family in her life. "Maybe we could talk again someday, but for now I think I need some time without you. I'll reach out when I'm ready, ok? Take it easy... love you." The laundromat feels quieter than it did before, the machines are muted and the people are blocked out. When was the last time she said 'I love you' to him?

Her last call was going to be to Kelpy, but she gets one from Foxx first. Who knows how she figured out that Poppy was back. The call was succinct, something Poppy appreciates. "You're in my office by the end of the day or I have a warrant out for your arrest. I've already bought your plane ticket. Move."

--- --- ---

Tracy drove Poppy to the airport, and didn't really have the time for goodbyes. Their talk in the car more than made up for it.

"I can't thank you enough for this week. You've been endlessly kind and caring and also really smart and pretty too! I think I may have kissed you last night, sorry for that one."

"You kissed me on the cheek, it's ok. I used to have a crush on you in college, you know that? Everyone else in anti-antler knows that."

"They do?! Someone said it once but I thought it was a joke. Why didn't you ever follow through with it?"

"Same reason you came to me, I was afraid to express myself. But now I don't really feel that fear anymore. And cuddling last night was good closure for the whole thing."

"Oh, well I'm happy I could be closure, I guess."

"Yeah. Don't be afraid to come up and visit me, ok? Use that merchandizing money you're piling up."

"I'll try." The airport loomed near, the plane visible from the road. Plane ticket was an understatement, Foxx had sent the radio conglomerates private jet out here to pick her up. She worried that Foxx would be inside, ready to strangle her. Was that worry? Probably. A traffic cop guided their car onto the tarmac. "One more question, you're on social media all the time, did you see anything about me?"

"Of course I did, everyone thought you died. I kept my mouth shut, friends before likes and all that."

"Thank you. I can't imagine a better friend to reunite with after 5 years who has a couch to crash on." The car came to a stop and a cat in a suit started to load her bags into the waiting plane.

"Any time." Tracy leaned in for a kiss, and Poppy obliged. It felt good, like a new chapter of her life starting. Their antlers bumped together, Poppy hadn't trimmed hers in weeks and they were starting to branch a little. Maybe she'd keep them like this for a time, why not? Then again, she was shaving them for a reason. As she climbed the stairs and found her seat she looked out the window and saw Tracy typing. A moment later a ping in the group forum, the two of them had finally kissed. Everyone went wild, moreso at Poppy being alive at all. Kelpy also reached out from this, sending paragraphs about the chaos at the station. Not important right now, maybe if she gets bored on the flight.

Interestingly she's not alone on the plane. Along with the butler there was a businessman. A bulldog in a suit too small for him, making it look like he was being extruded out of the collar. It was hilarious. She takes a nap on the plane, and when she wakes up they're on the ground in Hanover. The butler all but carried her to the car, throwing her in and urging her to buckle up as he floors it. In 15 minutes they aren't at the radio station offices, but rather at a nice house in the richest suburb in town. It must be Sylvia Foxx's house, theres no doubt about it.

--- --- ---