Blog post 1, MarcieBee's Website Good Practices
MarcieBee's Website Good Practices
2/05/2024 8:38PM
These are some practices I try and follow for my own website, and I think they can apply to anyones. A sort of code of good practice, if you will. Of course, I am a nobody on the internet and this advice isn’t gospel.
This isn’t me saying that your website needs to be squeaky clean, but If your landing page contains imagery or content that would make me want to close out in a public space then that’s bad! It’s not about me seeing it and disapproving, it’s about other people seeing it. Think about this, if your parents walked in on you just opening your website, is the first thing you see something you want them to see?
The whole point of making your own website is that it’s yours to customize in whatever way you’d like. There doesn’t have to be any rhyme or reason to the pages or anything, have fun! But If your page looks like the seizure rollercoaster from the problem solverz, thats a problem. It makes me want to not look at your site
I’ve been to websites that suggest that the user set their display to a specific resolution before viewing the site, as to not break the formatting. Thats fine, see rule 2’s whole thing on self-expression, but it limits your viewing experience to one kind of screen, the one you use. I like to use my browser in a window, so I can see a bunch of widgets and crap on the side. If I’m constantly having to scroll horizontally then I’m not gonna have a good time.
One day, your children will see your website, or it will be discovered by an archeologist. It may be the last evidence of you existing, in a nihilistic sense. So make it nice! Make it something you’d be proud to show your friends. ‘But marcie,’ I hear you crying, ‘your website is super rudimentary! Is it the best you can do?’ Well, no not really, but it’s a constant work in progress.
This is a very personal nitpick (unlike the other points, undisputed facts those) but if you’re going to put other peoples buttons on your site please embed a link that goes to their site. I see this pretty often, but not always. Also, buttons are a great place to hide extra pages and cool links! And sometimes the reference is so old or so obscure that I won’t pick it up without a helpful link.
Give the GIF a second, it's grumpy
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